

 时间:2016-07-27 19:20:57编辑:来源:news.xianzhaiwang.cn


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton opened up about her marriage in an interview with actress and activist Lena Dunham published Tuesday.BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn


"I was terrified about losing my identity and getting lost in the wake of Bill’s force-of-nature personality," she said of the former president. "I actually turned him down twice when he asked me to marry him."BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn


"That was a large pArt of the ambivalence and the worry that I wouldn’t necessarily know who I was or what I could do if I got married to someone who was going to chArt a path that he was incredibly clear about. My ideas were much more inchoate. I wasn’t sure how to best harness my energies. So I was searching," she added.BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn


Bill Clinton often recalls how he proposed twice, and how he initially felt that his future wife, who is again running for president, would be more suited for a life of public service.BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn


“I once told her, ‘I do want you to marry me, but you shouldn’t do it,’ and she said ‘that’s not a very good way to make a sale, what do you mean?’" he said in an interview with E! News. "I said well, ‘I love you and you’re endlessly interesting to me and we’ll have a good life, but I think you’re the most talented person of our generation for public service and what you should really do is go home to Illinois and run for office, or go to New York and practice law and run for office.’”BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn


In her interview with Dunham, Hillary Clinton explained that she was worried how marriage would affect her teaching or her work at a legal-aid clinic.BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn


“I loved doing that. And I wasn’t quite sure how everything I cared about might fit into a marriage with him. So eventually, I said yes. It was a big leap of faith, and I think most marriages are," she said. "You really do just sort of say, 'Okay, I think I know what it’s gonna be like, but I don’t know for sure. Let’s find out.'”BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn



in the wake of: 随着…而来,作为…的结果BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn

inchoate: 未完成的;不成熟的BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn

harness: 利用BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn

run for office: 竞选公职BH3鄂东网|xianzhaiwang.cn



文章地址: http://news.xianzhaiwang.cn/toutiao/330518.html

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